Sunday Services at 10:00 AM
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Masks are optional for our in person services. If you are unvaccinated, you should wear a mask. Please, if you are not feeling well, we ask that you refrain from attending in person services and join us for virtual worship instead.
These services occur periodically at St. Mary’s. They are Eucharistic services that combine the traditional elements of a Holy Eucharist service, however in place of traditional hymnody, special, theologically-based secular music is performed. In the recent past, St. Mary’s has been a leader within the diocese as varying types of genres have been presented. There have been "Bluegrass Masses", a U2charist, and a CASH Mass [offering the music of Johnny Cash]. Other musical genres that also fit into this worshiping category include: Beatles Mass, Jazz Masses, Coldplay Mass, and a Stevie Wonder Mass.
This very important ministry is open to all in the 4th grade and up. Acolytes lead the procession to begin worship, provide an "honor escort" for the Gospel, receive some of the gifts during the offertory, and assist at Baptisms and in the preparation of the table at the Eucharist. For more information, contact Mother Kim at (402) 426-2057.
The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship prior to services on Saturdays and Sundays, weekday services, weddings, funerals and other special services. The Altar Guild is also responsible for changing altar hangings, cleaning and pressing linens, and tidying up after services. This ministry is comprised of six volunteers who rotate the shared ministry, usually on a monthly basis. For more information please contact the chair of the Altar Guild, Nan Smutko (402) 672-8408.
Men and women who feel called to welcome and assist parishioners and visitors are those who may be interested in serving as Greeters. During Sunday services as well as funerals and other occasions, the Greeters are the parish’s "first appearance" and are therefore an essential component of our overall hospitality ministry and invitation. If interested in learning more about the Greeters ministry, contact Kathy Frahm (402) 427-4622.
LEMs—the abbreviated version of Lay Eucharistic Ministers—are the individuals who assist at the altar table during the celebration of Holy Eucharist. Their various duties include serving as chalice bearers during communion, serving as the crucifer (when required), serving as Gospel bearer during the Gospel proclamation, as well as serving as intercessor during certain prayer offerings. LEMs wear white vestments during Sunday services and traditional feast days; however, the LEMs at the Saturday evening service do not don church vestments. Also known as EMs in other dioceses and parishes in The Episcopal Church, LEMs require specific training by clergy and typically this is done at the diocesan level. For additional information about LEMs, please contact Pat Steinke at (402) 278-2428.
The Lectors, or lay readers, are responsible for reading the lessons in worship. Usually this includes the Old Testament lesson, the Psalm, and the New Testament lesson. For more information contact Iantha Wessel at (402) 426-8054.
On Sundays at the 10:00 a.m. Rite II Holy Eucharist service, St. Mary’s offers nursery care for babies and toddlers. This is offered in the parish nursery which is located in the rear of the church building. This ministry is comprised of seven women who share the joy of overseeing our most precious gifts in the church: our youngest children. The nursery attendants share this ministry on a rotating, weekly basis. For more information about the Nursery Attendants ministry, please contact Mother Kim (402) 426-2057.